Hair Care Do's and Don'ts

Hair Care Tips

Don’t rub your hair the wrong way. Drying hair gently from root to tip {the right way} will make your hair look shinier and smoother.


Don’t spray perfume in your hair – it contains chemicals that will dry out the hair and alter its colour.


Don’t do treatment overkill. Colouring, straightening and bleaching processes all weaken the hair.


Don’t use silicon-based products such as two-in-one shampoos and conditioners as they leave residue on the hair shaft that will leave your hair looking dull.


Don’t tease or backcomb your hair. It increases friction on the hair, meaning it will knot more easily and be harder to detangle. The less friction your hair is exposed to, the better – it will make it softer and easier to handle.


Do avoid putting conditioner on the hair roots if you’re prone to an oily scalp.


Do shampoo only once. If your hair doesn’t feel sticky there’s no need to rinse and repeat.


Do massage your scalp to stimulate hair growth.


Do have regular trims. Even if it’s a micro-trim, it going to help prevent spilt ends and breakage.


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